
Your Security
is our Top Priority

Security first. We take comprehensive measuresto protect your cryptocurrency.

Certified security measures safeguarding
more than a million users

At CoinUnited.io, we take pride in our role as leaders in the cryptocurrency domain, consistently upholding uncompromising standards in security, privacy, and regulatory compliance. Our operations are consciously designed to align with the guidelines of ISO 22301:2019, ISO/IEC 27701:2019, ISO 27032:2012, and ISO/IEC 27001:2013, reflecting our commitment to the highest standards of quality. We willingly undertake independent evaluations, underpinning our resolve to retain a Tier 4 status in both NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Frameworks. Additionally, our robust operations are tailored to meet the exacting requisites of Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 standards, Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS), and CIS Controls Implementation. Our unfaltering dedication to these practices reassures our clients that their assets and information are secured by industry-leading measures.

Global Assurance:
Trust, Security, and Peace of Mind

We are dedicated to upholding international standards and regulatory oversight, demonstrating our commitment to trust, reliability, and security for our users.


Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the United Kingdom's principal regulatory authority overseeing the financial markets.

Exchanges that comply with FCA guidelines are known for their high levels of security and reliability. By adhering to strict standards that focus on consumer protection, market integrity, and fair competition, these platforms set the gold standard in the trading arena.


Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Australia)

Australian Securities and
Investments Commission (Australia)

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia's primary financial regulatory agency.

Exchanges that comply with ASIC guidelines are synonymous with exceptional security and trustworthiness, offering traders a secure and dependable setting for their financial activities.


Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(United States)

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It safeguards the financial system by combating money laundering and promoting national security through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence.

Exchanges that comply with FinCEN's AML procedures offer a secure and transparent environment, ensuring that traders can engage in activities with a heightened sense of safety.


Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (Canada)

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis
Centre of Canada (Canada)

The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FinTRAC) is Canada's financial intelligence unit. It collects, analyzes, and discloses financial information and intelligence to help detect, prevent, and deter money laundering and other forms of financial crime.

Exchanges that comply with FinTRAC's rules offer a high level of security and reliability, creating a trustworthy trading environment.

Keeping Your Crypto Safe

Dynamic Asset Allocation

Dynamic asset allocation between hot and cold wallets, facilitated by a hybrid approach of AI and dedicated risk management professionals.

Geographically Diverse Storage

Deployment of independent cold storage across various geographical locations for enhanced security.

HSM Technology

Adoption of Hardware Security Module (HSM) technology for storing private keys in multi-signature cards.

Multi-Signature Security

Implementation of multi-signature technology, requiring multiple private keys to authorize a cryptocurrency transaction, adding an extra layer of security.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage for cold storage assets, providing an additional safety net against potential loss or theft.

Address Whitelisting

Option for users to whitelist withdrawal addresses, restricting withdrawals only to pre-approved addresses for added security.

Periodic Reviews

Periodic internal reviews and reconciliations conducted to ensure the integrity of stored assets.

User-Controlled Privacy

Users have the ability to control the privacy of their transactions, allowing them to choose when to disclose their transaction information for added security.

Real-Time Monitoring

Continuous real-time monitoring of all transactions and activities to quickly detect and respond to any suspicious activities, further enhancing the security of stored assets.

Dynamic Asset Allocation

Dynamic asset allocation between hot and cold wallets, facilitated by a hybrid approach of AI and dedicated risk management professionals.

Geographically Diverse Storage

Deployment of independent cold storage across various geographical locations for enhanced security.

HSM Technology

Adoption of Hardware Security Module (HSM) technology for storing private keys in multi-signature cards.

Multi-Signature Security

Implementation of multi-signature technology, requiring multiple private keys to authorize a cryptocurrency transaction, adding an extra layer of security.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage for cold storage assets, providing an additional safety net against potential loss or theft.

Address Whitelisting

Option for users to whitelist withdrawal addresses, restricting withdrawals only to pre-approved addresses for added security.

Periodic Reviews

Periodic internal reviews and reconciliations conducted to ensure the integrity of stored assets.

Maintaining Trust and Compliance

KYC measures are implemented to protect against identity theft, fraud, and other financial crimes.

Despite the crypto space's current regulatory status, there's a commitment to earning client trust and confidence.

Proof of identity and address, among other documents, are required for verification during the KYC process.

Robust Anti-Money Laundering policies are in place to detect and prevent illegal activities.

Sanctions screening is performed to prevent transactions with sanctioned individuals, countries, or entities.

Protecting Your Account

MFA Protection

Protection of administrative access, including password changes and withdrawals, through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Abnormal Activity Detection

Automatic detection and alert system for any abnormal activities.

Password Enforcement

Enforcement of strong password requirements to help protect your account from unauthorized access.

Account Recovery

Secure account recovery process in place to help you regain access to your account if you forget your password or lose your authentication device.

Biometric Authentication

Support for biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, for added security.

Session Timeouts

Automatic session timeouts are implemented to protect your account in case of inactivity. This helps to prevent unauthorized access if your device is left unattended.

Guarding Our Systems

Data Encryption

Protection of administrative access, including password changes and withdrawals, through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Rate Limit Implementation

Implementation of rate limits on a number of actions on the application and site to prevent abuse.

Cybersecurity Protection

Protection against various cybersecurity threats, including SQL injection, XSS, and DDoS attacks.

Secure Coding Practices

Development team follows secure coding practices to prevent security vulnerabilities at the code level.

Bug Bounty Program

At CoinUnited.io, user security is of utmost importance. We value the proactive search for potential vulnerabilities on our exchange platform and offer rewards for their discovery.
To qualify for a reward for discovering a vulnerability, the following conditions must be met

Maintain Confidentiality

Share the details of the vulnerability with us without disclosing it publicly, allowing us sufficient time to address the issue.

Avoid Harm

Make every effort to prevent any damage to the exchange or its users during the discovery and reporting process.

Uphold Integrity

Refrain from deceiving users or exchange employees during the vulnerability search and resolution process.

Ofte Stilte Spørsmål

Hvor sikker er CoinUnited.io?

CoinUnited.io bruker avanserte sikkerhetstiltak, inkludert tofaktorautentisering (2FA), kaldlagring for eiendeler, regelmessige sikkerhetsrevisjoner, multisignaturteknologi, forsikringsdekning og sanntidsovervåkning, for å sikre sikkerheten til brukernes midler. I tillegg overholder vi globale regulatoriske standarder og sertifiseringer, som ISO og SOC 2, for omfattende sikkerhet.

Hvilke regulatoriske standarder følger CoinUnited.io?

CoinUnited.io overholder flere internasjonale regulatoriske standarder, inkludert de som er satt av FCA (UK), ASIC (Australia), FinCEN (US) og FinTRAC (Canada).

Er CoinUnited.io legitim?

Ja, CoinUnited.io er en anerkjent plattform. Her er hvorfor:

Etablert tilstedeværelse: Grunnlagt i 2018, har CoinUnited.io en langvarig tilstedeværelse i kryptovaluta industrien.

Global brukerbase: CoinUnited.io har over 1 million brukere over hele verden, og håndterer millioner av daglige handler.

Priser og anerkjennelse: CoinUnited.io har fått over 30 bransjepriser, noe som understreker forpliktelse til excellence.

Avansert sikkerhet: CoinUnited.io implementerer robuste sikkerhetstiltak, som tofaktorautentisering, kaldlagring, multisignaturteknologi og overholdelse av internasjonale forskrifter.

Positive anmeldelser: CoinUnited.io mottar konsekvent positiv tilbakemelding og anmeldelser fra brukere, noe som reflekterer tilfredshet og tillit til tjenestene.

Profesjonelt team: CoinUnited.io's team består av eksperter i finans, teknologi og blockchain, noe som sikrer profesjonell og pålitelig service.

Event sponsorships and Partnerships: CoinUnited.io sponsors various events and has partnerships with notable figures and organizations, including an NFT collection partnership with the Golden State Warriors, Floyd Mayweather, Lindsay Lohan, and the Woodlawn Vase.

Dyreste NFT innehaver: CoinUnited.io eier verdens dyreste NFT, "Shocked Doge", verdt $200 millioner, noe som viser forpliktelse til den digitale økonomien og Web3 innovasjon.

Er CoinUnited.io en svindel?

Nei, CoinUnited.io er en legitim og sikker kryptovalutautveksling. Her er hvorfor:

Reguleringsmessig Overholdelse: CoinUnited.io overholder internasjonale regulatoriske standarder, inkludert de som er satt av FCA (UK), ASIC (Australia), FinCEN (US), og FinTRAC (Canada).

Sikkerhetstiltak: Avanserte sikkerhetsfunksjoner som tofaktorautentisering, kaldlagring, multisignaturteknologi og sanntidsovervåking beskytter brukernes midler.

Forsikringsdekning: CoinUnited.io gir forsikring for eiendeler som holdes i kaldlagring mot potensielle tap eller tyveri.

Gjennomsiktighet: Regelmessige sikkerhetsrevisjoner og sertifiseringer som ISO og SOC 2 sikrer at operasjonene er gjennomsiktige og sikre.

Industriell anerkjennelse: CoinUnited.io har mottatt mange bransjepriser og positive anmeldelser fra respektable kilder.

Bruker tillit: Betjener over 1 million brukere globalt med høy daglig handelsvolum, noe som demonstrerer tillit og pålitelighet.

Hendelses sponsorskap og partnerskap: CoinUnited.io sponser forskjellige arrangementer og har partnerskap med merkbare figurer og organisasjoner, inkludert et NFT-samlingssamarbeid med Golden State Warriors, Floyd Mayweather, Lindsay Lohan, og Woodlawn Vase.

Dyreste NFT innehaver: CoinUnited.io eier verdens dyreste NFT, "Shocked Doge", verdt $200 millioner, og viser engasjement for den digitale økonomien og Web3-innovasjon.

Kan du ta ut på CoinUnited.io?

Ja, du kan ta ut midler fra CoinUnited.io. Bare logg inn på kontoen din, naviger til "Uttak" -delen, velg valutaen du ønsker å ta ut, skriv inn beløpet og destinasjonslommebokadressen, aktiver tofaktorautentisering (2FA), og bekreft forespørselen din. For ekstra sikkerhet, sørg for at uttaksadressen din er hvitelistet.

Er CoinUnited.io lovlig?

Ja, CoinUnited.io er en lovlig og regulert kryptovalutaveksling. Plaformen overholder internasjonale regulatoriske standarder, inkludert FCA (UK), ASIC (Australia), FinCEN (USA), og FinTRAC (Canada). CoinUnited.io overholder strenge regler for Know Your Customer (KYC) og Anti-Money Laundering (AML), noe som sikrer at alle operasjoner utføres innenfor de lovlige rammene i de landene hvor den opererer. Denne samsvar viser CoinUnited.io's forpliktelse til å gi et tillitsverdig og gjennomsiktig handelsmiljø.

Er CoinUnited.io trygt?

Ja, CoinUnited.io er trygt. Plattformen benytter avanserte sikkerhetstiltak som to-faktor autentisering (2FA), kaldlagring for midler, regelmessige sikkerhetsrevisjoner, multitegn-teknologi, og sanntids overvåkning for å beskytte brukeres midler og personlig informasjon. I tillegg gir CoinUnited.io forsikringsdekning for midler som er lagret i kald lagring, som gir et ekstra lag med beskyttelse mot potensielle tap eller tyveri. Plattformen følger også strenge personvernreguleringer og gjennomfører regelmessige sikkerhetsvurderinger for å opprettholde de høyeste standardene innen sikkerhet. Med disse robuste tiltakene, sikrer CoinUnited.io et sikkert handelsmiljø for sine brukere.